July Update

Hey everyone, I apologize for the long pause in between updates recently. I have been incredibly busy!

I started working as a Coordinator for the music library company Black Toast Music. I've also begun work on The Bray Road Beast documentary. It's looking like this one will need finished by the middle of August. It's a daunting project for sure, but I am very much looking forward to diving in here. More behind the scenes on this one to come.

And finally, I recorded synths and did some programming for a band called Absolute Hero on a few of their songs on their new album. The band was recently featured as one of the "12 Bands You Need to Know" in Alternative Press magazine! Check out their music video for "Bad Hero" here

Once I get a few weeks in to Bray, I'll be updating with some behind the scenes pictures and possibly new music as well. Talk to you soon! 

